Examples: hybrid control and impedance control

Hybrid position-force control

In Section Principles of force control, we have studied force control in a 1-DOF robot. In multi-DOF systems, one usually needs to simultaneously control the force in some task directions and the position in others, a scheme known as hybrid position-force control. Consider for instance the task of sliding the robot end-effector on a tabletop, which can be found in assembly or grinding.

Sliding the robot end-effector on a tabletop
Figure 35. Sliding the robot end-effector on a tabletop

To achieve this task, one needs to control the normal contact force (along the z-axis) to be at some positive values (for example ), while controlling the position along the x-axis (sliding motion). This can be achieved by the following hybrid position-force controller.

 Block diagram of a hybrid position-force controller to
   control the contact force in the z-axis and the position in the
Figure 36. Block diagram of a hybrid position-force controller to control the contact force in the z-axis and the position in the x-axis.

The leftmost part of the hybrid scheme is similar to a PD force controller (see Section Principles of force control, which transforms the force tracking error in the z-axis into a position tracking error in the z-axis. Next, is combined with the position tracking error in the x-axis to obtain a task-space position tracking error .

Note that can be easily derived from the desired motion in the x-axis . For instance, if the desired motion is to slide towards the right with a velocity , then , where is the controller time step (assuming a digital implementation).

Next, the task-space position tracking error is translated into a configuration-space error by differential Inverse Kinematics, which can be finally fed into the robot internal position controller.

Example: Hybrid control in Gazebo

We go through the same example as in Robot simulation in ROS/Gazebo in order to pick up the box and retreat from the table surface. Note however the following differences

  • We use another ROS launch file, which in particular loads different controllers, see below;
  • We use instead of so as to have real-time access to the joint position;
  • We use to access force/torque measurements.

First, we start the Gazebo environment in Terminal 1 and run robot controllers launch file in Terminal 2

# Terminal 1
roslaunch osr_gazebo cubes_task.launch
# Terminal 2
roslaunch osr_control controllers_force_control_demo.launch

Next, run a similar code as in Robot simulation in ROS/Gazebo up to the retreating move


import rospy
import criros
import collections
import copy
import time
import numpy as np
import openravepy as orpy
import tf.transformations as tr
from osr_openrave import kinematics, planning
from geometry_msgs.msg import WrenchStamped
from osr_control.controllers import GripperController, JointPositionController, FTsensor
env = orpy.Environment()
if not env.Load('worlds/cubes_task.env.xml'):
  rospy.logerr('Failed to load the world. Did you run: catkin_make install?')
Tcamera = tr.euler_matrix(*np.deg2rad([-120, 13, 135]))
Tcamera[:3,3] = [1, 1, 2]
robot = env.GetRobot('robot')
manipulator = robot.SetActiveManipulator('gripper')
taskmanip = orpy.interfaces.TaskManipulation(robot)
js_rate = criros.utils.read_parameter('/joint_state_controller/publish_rate', 250.0) #read publish rate if it does exist, otherwise set publish rate
T = 1. / js_rate
rate = rospy.Rate(js_rate)
# Scale down the velocity and acceleration limits
iktype = orpy.IkParameterization.Type.Transform6D
success = kinematics.load_ikfast(robot, iktype)
if not success:
  rospy.logerr('Failed to load IKFast for {0}, manipulator: {1}'.format(robot.GetName(), manipulator.GetName()))
# Load links stats for finding closest IK solutions
statsmodel = orpy.databases.linkstatistics.LinkStatisticsModel(robot)
if not statsmodel.load():
  rospy.loginfo('Generating LinkStatistics database. It will take around 1 minute...')
joint_controller = JointPositionController()
gripper_controller = GripperController()
ft_sensor = FTsensor()
cube = env.GetKinBody('cube02')
cube_centroid = cube.ComputeAABB().pos()
Tgrasp = tr.euler_matrix(0, np.pi, 0)
Tgrasp[:3,3] = cube_centroid
qgrasp = kinematics.find_closest_iksolution(robot, Tgrasp, iktype)
axes = []
axes.append( orpy.misc.DrawAxes(env, Tgrasp, dist=0.05) )
traj = planning.plan_to_joint_configuration(robot, qgrasp)
traj_spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
traj_duration = traj.GetDuration()
step_num = traj_duration // T
#Here we do not use trajectory controller instead we use joint position controller
#It means that we sample many points on the trajectory, which is given by IK fast solver
#Robot will be moving point by point and follow the specified trajectory 
for t in np.append(np.arange(0,traj_duration, T),traj_duration):
  joint_controller.set_joint_positions(list(traj_spec.ExtractJointValues(traj.Sample(t),robot, manipulator.GetArmIndices())))
  robot.SetDOFValues(list(joint_controller.get_joint_positions()), manipulator.GetArmIndices())
Tretreat = np.array(Tgrasp)
Tretreat[2,3] += 0.05
Tretreat[0,3] -= 0.1
axes.append( orpy.misc.DrawAxes(env, Tretreat, dist=0.05) )
qretreat = kinematics.find_closest_iksolution(robot, Tretreat, iktype)
traj = planning.plan_to_joint_configuration(robot, qretreat)
traj_spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
traj_duration = traj.GetDuration()
step_num = traj_duration // T
for t in np.append(np.arange(0,traj_duration,T),traj_duration):
  joint_controller.set_joint_positions(list(traj_spec.ExtractJointValues(traj.Sample(t), robot, manipulator.GetArmIndices())))

Now, move the box down to the table surface until contact


dt = 1. / js_rate
Kf = 5000.
Kp = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) * 1. 
Kv = np.array([1., 1., 1.]) * 40     
Fr = np.array([0., 0., -15])
qc = joint_controller.get_joint_positions()
Fe_prev = np.zeros(3)
xf = np.zeros(3)
dxf = np.zeros(3)
rospy.loginfo('Going down')
wrench_offset = ft_sensor.get_filtered_wrench()
link_idx = [l.GetName() for l in robot.GetLinks()].index('robotiq_85_base_link')
link_origin = robot.GetLink('robotiq_85_base_link').GetTransform()[:3,3]
J = np.zeros((6,6))
twist = np.zeros(6)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
  q_actual = joint_controller.get_joint_positions()
  robot.SetDOFValues(q_actual, manipulator.GetArmIndices())
  We = ft_sensor.get_filtered_wrench() - wrench_offset
  bTe = manipulator.GetEndEffectorTransform()
  bXeF = criros.spalg.force_frame_transform(bTe)
  Wb = np.dot(bXeF, We)
  Fb = -Wb[:3]
  Fr[0:2] = Fb[0:2]
  if np.linalg.norm(Fb) >= np.linalg.norm(Fr):
    rospy.loginfo('Surface contacted, preparing for sliding')
  # Force PD compensator
  Fe = (Fr - Fb) / Kf
  dFe = (Fe - Fe_prev)
  Fe_prev = Fe
  dxf = (Kp*Fe + Kv*dFe) * dt
  xf += dxf
  twist[:3] = dxf
  # Velocity-based operational space controller
  J[:3,:] = robot.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_idx, link_origin)[:,:6]
  J[3:,:] = robot.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(link_idx)[:,:6]
  dqc = np.linalg.solve(J, twist)
  qc += dqc
  # Safety limits: displacement and max force
  if np.linalg.norm(Fb) >= 40.:
    rospy.loginfo('Maximum force exceeded')

Slide on the surface using hybrid control


vlin = 0.006         #linear velocity
dr_slide = [1.,0.]   # sliding direction on x-y plane
dt = 1./ js_rate  # time step  
x0,y0,z0 = manipulator.GetEndEffectorTransform()[:3,3] #position of gripper at the starting point
xr = [x0,y0,z0]
timeout = 20      
Kp_pos = np.array([1, 1, 0])          #proportional gain of position controller
Kv_pos = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0])    #derivative gain of position controller
Kp_force = np.array([0, 0, 3.4e-5])   #proportional gain of force controller
Kv_force = np.array([0, 0, 5e-6])     #derivative gain of force controller
bTe = manipulator.GetEndEffectorTransform()
bXeF = criros.spalg.force_frame_transform(bTe) # transformation matrix that convert wrench wrt body frame to  wrench in space frame
wrench_offset = ft_sensor.get_filtered_wrench()
We = ft_sensor.get_filtered_wrench() - wrench_offset
Wb = np.dot(bXeF, We)                 #wrench (the environment inserts on the end effector) is represented in space frame
Fe_prev = -Wb[:3]                     #extract force vector only, negative sign indicates this is the force inserted on the environment by the robot
xe_prev = [x0, y0, z0]
qc = joint_controller.get_joint_positions()
force_data = list()     #data for graph
time_data = list()
initime = rospy.get_time()
link_idx = [l.GetName() for l in robot.GetLinks()].index('robotiq_85_base_link')
link_origin = robot.GetLink('robotiq_85_base_link').GetTransform()[:3,3]
J = np.zeros((6,6))
twist = np.zeros(6)
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (rospy.get_time() - initime) < timeout:
  xr[0] += dr_slide[0] * vlin * dt
  xr[1] += dr_slide[1] * vlin * dt
  q_actual = joint_controller.get_joint_positions()
  robot.SetDOFValues(q_actual, manipulator.GetArmIndices())
  # Transform wrench to the base_link frame
  We = ft_sensor.get_filtered_wrench() - wrench_offset
  bTe = manipulator.GetEndEffectorTransform()
  bXeF = criros.spalg.force_frame_transform(bTe)
  Wb = np.dot(bXeF, We)
  Fb = -Wb[:3]
  Fr = np.array([0., 0., -15])
  Fr[:2] = Fb[:2]
  Fe = Fr - Fb
  dFe = (Fe - Fe_prev) / dt
  Fe_prev = Fe
  dxf_force = (Kp_force*Fe + Kv_force*dFe) * dt
  xb = manipulator.GetEndEffectorTransform()[:3, 3]
  xe = xr - xb
  dxe = (xe - xe_prev)
  xe_prev = xe
  dxf_pos = (Kp_pos*xe + Kv_pos*dxe) * dt
  dxf = dxf_force + dxf_pos
  twist[:3] = dxf
  # velocity-space IK
  J[:3,:] = robot.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_idx, link_origin)[:,:6]
  J[3:,:] = robot.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(link_idx)[:,:6]
  dqc = np.linalg.solve(J, twist)
  qc += dqc
  time_data.append(rospy.get_time() - initime)
rospy.loginfo("Complete hybrid control demo")

Plot the force data


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(time_data,force_data, label = "Force measured in the Z direction")
plt.axhline(y=-15.0, xmin=0, xmax=15., linewidth=2, color = 'r',label = "Reference")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
       ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
Force measured in the Z direction as a function of time
Figure 37. Force measured in the Z direction as a function of time

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